The International Scientific Conference “CMB@60” to be held from 28 to 30 May 2025 at the Academy of Sciences of Turin aims to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the discovery of the cosmic microwave background.
The goal of the conference is to retrace the scientific and technological developments that over the last forty years have seen the realization of three large space-borne CMB experiments, two financed by NASA (COBE and WMAP) and the third by the European Space Agency-ESA (Planck). But, above all, the goal of this meeting is to discuss the future developments of experiments from ground and from space that will be carried out by the end of this decade and much of the next, all dedicated to the study of CMB polarization. Among these, we have the ground-based Simons Observatory and CMB-S4, as well as BICEP andthe space-borne LiteBIRD satellite of the Japanese Space Agency-JAXA.
The program foresees a conference structured in ten Panels. Each Panel is led by a Chair and has at least three renowned experts in the field. Each Panelist contributes with an introductory speech of maximum 15′. The Panel concludes with a discussion of about half an hour open to all participants.